Our technology relies on the simplicity of it's design; however, to optimize the efficiency and reliability, we ran a series of tests at the Applied Research Laboratory (ARL) with Penn State University. Thanks to TEAMER, a partnership funded by the DOE, we were given this opportunity to learn more about how our technology works through closer examination of the fins oscillating motion. The overall objective was not to determine the maximum power output but to build up a dataset of hydrodynamic performance across a range of primary design variables such as: • Reduced frequency • Ratio of flapping/pitching angle magnitude • Reynolds number The final test report and all of the accompanying data has been submitted to TEAMER and uploaded to the Marine and Hydrokinetic Data Repository website. We appreciate everything ARL has done for advancing the technology and also mentioning that our, "simple drivetrain/mechanism could be valuable proprietary technologies for Pterofin to develop." Exciting times lie ahead as this innovative solution paves the way for a greener and more sustainable future.
Click on the link below to view or download the report from recent tests performed by The Applied Research Laboratory at Penn State University.
The Pterofin-Post-Access-Report.pdf is finally available to the public! You can view or download the report to see for yourself how our technology has been tested and validated as a unique alternative renewable energy technology. You can see how the testing aimed to utilize unsteady fluid dynamics phenomena (added mass, shed vorticity, and unsteady boundary layer development) to achieve higher lift coefficients, enabling increased power density of the hydrokinetic device and a fundamental shift in the rpm/torque scaling of the power take off compared with turbines.
The Marine and Hydrokinetic Data Repository that ARL uploaded all of the testing results still says, "Awaiting curation" to be able to view or download the files.
I received an email from them today explaining that they've received quite a few submissions at the end of the calendar year and are working through them as quickly as they can.
We now have substantially more information available to direct our technology development and commercialization.
With several other unique findings regarding our oscillating fins, we are ready to raise the funds needed for our first hydroelectric public installation that will be monitored over time.
9/1/2023 10:13 AM
ARL is still fully immersed in the meticulous analysis of terabytes of collected testing data, with the specific goal of harnessing this wealth of information to optimize our oscillating fin's energy generation capabilities.
We anticipate receiving the first draft of the report by mid-September, with the final version scheduled for public release by the end of the month, heralding a pivotal moment in our mission to transform the renewable energy industry.
7/13/2023 -1:28 PM
ARL finished the final series of test on the last fin and everything worked flawlessly.
Tomorrow ARL will disassemble the test apparatus and ship the equipment back to Pterofin HQ.
Data reduction is on-going and ARL will be working on writing up the full report in the coming months.
7/3/2023 - 1:20 PM
The first week of testing is complete and the data is in. The technology has officially been proven viable and the power output has exceeded all expectations!
As we continue our test matrix over the next few weeks, making small adjustments to things like the fin shape and position, the higher power coefficient we continue to see.
6/22/2023 - 10:09 AM
Water tunnel testing has finally started and everything is running smoothly so far.
Instrumentation all seems to respond through the data acquisition system and will be processed over the next few days.
6/12/2023 - 11:32 AM
Still waiting on one vender machined part going out for delivery on Thursday.
Assembly of the test apparatus (image above) has been completed for everything that doesn’t depend on the to-be-delivered part.
Official installation of equipment and testing should begin Monday the 19th.
3/17/2023 - 7:13 AM
Currently procuring instrumentation for collecting data on performance of fins.
Long-lead machined parts will arrive at the end of April or beginning of May.
May will be spent assembling the mechanism, motor, wiring and instrumentation.
Testing will begin in June.
2D drawings are complete and parts have been sent out for quotes from 5 shops. We will review the quotes when they come in and make purchasing decisions.